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Practical resources for women who seek education and information on abortion

After hearing the devasting news that Roe V Wade was overturned in the US last week, I was numb with shock. I didn’t believe that this was even possible for so many reasons. It is beyond comprehension to me and women across the globe. My…

The Evolution of Friendships between mums and non mums

The Evolution of Friendships between mums and non mums Friendships often change over time. Having children is one factor that can impact the relationship you have with your friends, but when one person has a child and the other wants to remain…
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An innocent doll or pronatalist brainwashing?

I remember growing up I had my favourite dolls. One was called Chrissie and I had a lot of fun playing with her. What I didn’t realise at the time was that I was being groomed to be a mum. Chrissie was the same size as a 9-month-old baby and…
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Why we need to be vocal about childfree issues in the workplace

If you are childfree and work you have likely received all sorts of rude comments, inappropriate statements from managers and co-workers as well as discrimination. If you haven’t then you are very lucky and I am jealous. These issues impact…

I had no idea how to create a magazine but I did it anyway!

Have you ever felt like you had a calling? Like you were chosen to do one thing and couldn’t explain why? That is what happened to me when the idea of creating a magazine for the childfree community popped into my head. It wasn’t something…

3 tips to overcoming the challenges of being a childfree step mum

As I shared in a previous article as a childfree step mum, I received a lot of judgment from mums who couldn’t quite place me in a category as my situation was different from theirs. The early part of my childfree, stepmom journey was rockier…

Have fun never being a real mum!

I remember the words, “have fun never being a real mom.” She didn’t mean them quite as I took them, but I do think she meant her words with all of her heart, at the time.  Being a step-parent is a role unlike any other, and possibly…

Success isn’t defined by motherhood

We have all experienced it. Celebrations around children and their lives are everywhere. Not only are there traditional baby showers but now they have a gender reveal parties and naming parties. Many kids have 3 parties in their honor before…

So childfree people are the problem in society??

This week I was told that because I was childfree, I was a cancer on society and people like me are everything that is wrong with the planet. (jaw drop). Yes, that is verbatim. Let me share the backstory and explain more. There are elections…

Responsibly childfree

Responsibly childfree I am Childfree by choice but that does not mean I have no responsibility. Why do society want to create a picture that if you are childfree you are running footloose and fancy-free through a field of flowers without…