I was disgusted at the massive step backward the USA took when it comes to women’s rights recently and I thought it would never happen here in Australia.

I cannot believe that in the year 2024 after women have fought for so many years across the world, that the possibility that abortion can be banned in QLD and other parts of Australia is even on the table. What century are we living in? How is this even possible?

LNP politicians are claiming that they plan to ban abortions in QLD which is beyond belief. No man or government has rights to a woman’s body – ever!!!

These middle-aged white men and their fellow cronies are living in the dark ages and most of them are damn hypocrites because I guarantee none of them are as squeaky clean as they claim to be. History has taught us that.

This recent ABC article quotes LNP leader David Crisafulli, who has repeatedly said that if his party is elected, “there will be no change” to the laws. However, a minor conservative party could force the issue.

I am calling BS on that! He has been pushing this agenda for some time and now he wants to try and position himself as the good guy by claiming the move will come from a minor party. We weren’t born yesterday!!!

Yes, I am damn angry!  I think every woman should be, too.

The fact that this is even a conversation and scarily enough, a possibility, is a massive step backward for all women. More countries seem to be on the bandwagon or banning abortions, with falling birth rates as the motivation behind it. Banning abortion is not going to fix falling birth rates. Forcing women to go to unsafe backyard clinics or worse, have a child they do not or cannot afford is more immoral and unethical than abortion.

It’s this simple… If you don’t want an abortion then don’t have one!! But don’t you dare to tell another woman what she can do with her own body and what is best for her to live a happy life. No one should have that power!

I can tell you who I won’t be voting for, purely based on the outdated, sexist, and pronatalist stance.

David Crisafulli you are a disgrace to all men and the human race!