
Why do I have no children you ask?
I’m not sure when I realised that my childfree decision was just about fair game for everyone to comment on but I am now 49 and realise that I will always have to have that awkward conversation when I meet people for the first/second time….…

I’m a married, childfree by choice stepmom
I remember the first time I felt peace in a social setting, on the heels of a response from a conversational and classy, older lady, who upon listening to me say, “being a mum is not a role I ever prioritized,” said simply, “good…

The Massive Environmental Impact of Children on the World
When it comes to talking about our environment, almost everyone has an opinion. I hear a lot of people zealously talking about climate change, the need the reduce our emissions, recycling, and all that stuff. But most often the issue of overpopulation…

What to Say to Bingo Parents - Guest Blog by Nicole Denny
It happens.
You’re out at a lovely social occasion, enjoying simple chit-chat with friends and minding your own damn business when some busybody swoops in like a vulture on speed.
“So when are you two having kids?”
*cue eye roll…