
Success isn’t defined by motherhood
We have all experienced it. Celebrations around children and their lives are everywhere.
Not only are there traditional baby showers but now they have a gender reveal parties and naming parties. Many kids have 3 parties in their honor before…

Men, shut your mouth about my choice to be childfree
I find it ironic that men are so anti-childfree women. They aren’t the ones that have to carry the baby, birth it or raise it, so they know little about the subject in general. How dare they have an opinion about what I want to do with MY body

Do you have childfree friends? Here are some Do’s and Don’t’s to help your friendship stay strong
I am lucky to be surrounded with supportive friends. I wouldn’t have it any other way and anyone who wasn’t supportive is no longer in my life.
I have friends with kids and friends without. Many of my lifelong friends have children and…

Women are made for more than just babies
Subtle judgments and outward expressions of criticism can crush a woman’s spirit to a point they feel like they don’t belong. In my personal experience, I have felt oppressed, left-out, and judged more by women than by men.

What I learned from reading Mum blogs
Guest Post by Veronica Martin
Veronica Martin is a Seattle-based lifestyle blogger who likes kitties and dresses with pockets
I’m not exactly sure how it happened, but somehow I found myself being that childfree person who follows mom…

Is mum now the default setting for womanhood?
Through the ages, anyone who was different or didn’t comply and who dared to defy the norms set in society was ostracised, beaten, burnt at the stake and much more. Things have definitely improved (thank god) however childfree women are still…