
3 tips to overcoming the challenges of being a childfree step mum
As I shared in a previous article as a childfree step mum, I received a lot of judgment from mums who couldn’t quite place me in a category as my situation was different from theirs.
The early part of my childfree, stepmom journey was rockier…

Have fun never being a real mum!
I remember the words, “have fun never being a real mom.” She didn’t mean them quite as I took them, but I do think she meant her words with all of her heart, at the time. Being a step-parent is a role unlike any other, and possibly…

The Selfless Parent v Selfish Non Mum
I am so sick of the word selfish being synonymous with childfree people. Why am I called selfish when I am simply living a life of my choosing? Yet a parent is selfless even though they too are living a life of their choosing.
The assumption…

What it's like to have a vasectomy.
Much of the conversation about permanent solutions that allow us to not have kids are focused on women. However, more and more men, are choosing to have a vasectomy as they choose to live a childfree life.
I asked Caleb Norris to share his…

We will have children someday, wont we?
My decision to be childfree hasn’t always been clear cut. Before I got married, my husband and I talked about having children many times. Each conversation always ended the same way, we would have children “someday.” We were never…

Women are made for more than just babies
Subtle judgments and outward expressions of criticism can crush a woman’s spirit to a point they feel like they don’t belong. In my personal experience, I have felt oppressed, left-out, and judged more by women than by men.

I’m a married, childfree by choice stepmom
I remember the first time I felt peace in a social setting, on the heels of a response from a conversational and classy, older lady, who upon listening to me say, “being a mum is not a role I ever prioritized,” said simply, “good…

The status of your uterus gets political
As a woman who is childfree by choice and has been fighting against judgment and criticism for being childfree my whole life, I am disgusted with Deb Frecklington, QLD opposition leader and her recent comments.
As a woman, it
is hard enough…

Misconceptions about being Childfree
Anyone that knows me, knows I am all about the C word – Choice! I am advocate for women (and men) to be able to make choices in life that are right for them and for making your own rules.
One thing that really pisses me off is when people…

Marriage and babies – is that all there is?
Once upon a time, there was a young girl who had grown up listening to fairy tales where the women is rescued by the man of her dreams, lives happily ever after with a brood of kids. Oh please!!
It dismays me to see so many girls and young…