
Do you have childfree friends? Here are some Do’s and Don’t’s to help your friendship stay strong

I am lucky to be surrounded with supportive friends. I wouldn’t have it any other way and anyone who wasn’t supportive is no longer in my life. I have friends with kids and friends without. Many of my lifelong friends have children and…

What is The #BirthStrike Movement? And Why Are They Choosing to be Childfree?

I personally chose to be childfree because of my lifestyle preference. I never wanted to have kids or any of that life. But as I continue to live this childfree life every day and as I get to meet more men and women who decided not to have children,…

What to Say to Bingo Parents - Guest Blog by Nicole Denny

It happens. You’re out at a lovely social occasion, enjoying simple chit-chat with friends and minding your own damn business when some busybody swoops in like a vulture on speed. “So when are you two having kids?” *cue eye roll…