Childfree Choice
Childfree Choice Conversations is about sharing our childfree stories with other women, helping others to understand how to overcome judgement or criticism and to help women who are undecided if they want children, come to a decision that is right for them.
Events will be held based on demand in your area, so please register your interest if you’d like to attend an event near you.
Childfree Choice
Conversations Retreat
The goal is to bring together women from across the globe to discuss issues relating to be childfree, liase with experts, help women who are unsure if they want to have children make that decision and generally have conversations and offer support over a weekend…
(of course with some bubbles in hand in a fabulous location)
Childfree Choices Events
If you are interested in attending an event in your area please contact me with an Expression of Interest and ensure you include your location.
If there is enough demand, I will look at running a local event.