Choosing to have children is the biggest life choice a girl can make yet no education is provided to help them understand what choosing to be a parent looks like and how it impacts their life. Choice Academy aims to educate & empower girls about having choices.
Traditional methods of girls education don’t address one of the biggest decisions they will face in their life – to have or not have kids.
Close to 1 in 4 women in OECD counties are choosing to not have children and this number is increasing in millennials.
It is a program aimed at giving teens & young adults permission to have a choice and a voice around their own body. To empower them to make informed decisions that will have an impact for life.
This program is not pushing a childfree agenda, it is focused on choice and showing young women that they have permission to make choices that are right for them and their own life.
The program starts with an initial workshop that covers general topics. Timing is approx. 90 minutes with a Q&A.
This can be followed with a series of Mentoring group sessions. These can be done via Zoom or Face to Face (depending on location).
The workshop covers the broader topic and mentoring dives deeper into each one, with a focus on what the group find most relevant.
Who would run a workshop?
These can be run in public or private schools, girl focused groups or private sessions for organisations.
For every program sold locally, we would like to donate 2 to schools in less privilged and poorer communities overseas. If you are connected with or run a program like this, please get in touch.