About the Author
Tanya Williams is the effervescent, high energy, driven, sparkly Chief of Everything at Digital Conversations. By day she wears many fabulous hats – tradigital strategist, outsourced digital manager, digital coach, blogger, digital trainer and speaker.
By night she is an author and childfree advocate who is passionate about mentoring and helping women learn how to find their inner princess, make their own rules, and make sure they never let anyone dull their sparkle.
Giving back and making a positive impact on people’s lives is very important to her. She is a passionate believer that women should make their own rules in life. No one has the right to force you to do what you don’t want to do or to pass judgement on the choices you make.
She is a champion and supportive advocate for childfree women and her personal mantra is: Never let anyone dull your sparkle. (Oh, yes, and she loves pink.)